Newsletter for Friday September 28, 2012


If you read this Newsletter regularly, you know we highlight one of our Very Valued Vendors each week.  This week we are going to take a different focus and highlight one  of our Very Valued Customers, for without customers there would be no need for vendors.  In order to glean information about our customers we interviewed a few of them and will be using the interviews periodically in this section of the newsletter.  This week we include an interview with Mary Anne Cowgill.  

LEWFM:  What is your home neighborhood?
MAC: West Price Hill
LEWFM:  What originally brought you to LEWFM?:
MAC: A story in Community Press.
LEWFM:  What keeps you coming back to LEWFM?:
MAC:  It's important to me to buy and prepare the best quality food for my family and friends.  The prices are great!
LEWFM:  What is your favoirte aspect of the LEWFM?:
MAC:  We've met the most lovely people at the market.  Even my 2 pre-teen boys enjoy coming to visit with friends they've made at the market.
LEWFM:  How do you use what you purchase at LEWFM?:
MAC:  The teachers at my kids' school love to receive the market gift baskets I put together for them for teacher appreciation week.
LEWFM:  What else would you like to share about yourself &/or your experiences at LEWFM?:
MAC:  I am a firm believer that you become what you ingest.  The more pure your thoughts, intentions, and especially your food, the healthier and happier you will be. 

Wow, what a great testimonial to our great vendors and the products they bring to market each week.  Mary Anne mentioned giving market gift baskets to her sons' teachers.  What a useful gift for anyone:  after all, everyone eats, and when giving them items from the market they can Eat Well.  Remember also that you can purchase Market Bucks as gifts that can be spent at any of our vendor booths throughout the year.  To purchase Market Bucks simply stop by the Management Booth.

Mary Anne also shared about the friends she and her sons have made at market.  Her boys love to hang out with Charles at the Kids & Krafts Booth and play corn hole and the other games available for kids to enjoy, so as to allow the parents to shop and visit leisurely.  A Farmers' Market is so much more fun than rushing into the grocery store and putting up with the crowds and lines, and the kids complaining and whining.  And certainly the food is miles more healthy at the Farmers' Market.    
  • Mohr Animal Acres will be at market this week.  Remember to stock up on eggs, meats, and other items they bring as they are at market every other week.
  • Grilling By Logan will be at market this week grilling a variety of Mohr Animal Acres meats.  You might want to put your order in with Logan when you arrive at market so he can be preparing your food as you shop.  His sandwiches are great to eat at market and/or to take home for supper for your family.
  • Jo the Jam Lady will not be at market this week.  She will return on October 5
  • The Rocks Guys and Danny Reckman Licensed Massage Therapist will not be at market this week.  They will return on October 5.
  • The Romans Family Farm will not be at market this week.  Their summer produce production is beginning to wane.  They will soon be digging their sweet potatoes which they will be bringing to market when they return in the near future, as their fall produce is available.
  • We currently have openings for additional produce vendors who would have produce for the fall/early winter season (or beyond).  If interested, contact us here:

 Only a Hint of What is to Come 
The weather is not the only thing that is Transitioning:  The Market Management Team is preparing for another special event, or more accurately, a series of special events, starting on October 26 as we begin the Summer Into Winter Market Transition.  If you attended our National Farmers' Market Celebration special event in August you know we throw a great party.  This next one will be just as much fun so stay tuned for more details later.

Another aspect of the Transitioning is the items you will see at market from week to week.  Jenny, of Angela's Homemade Pies, sources some of her ingredients locally, which means as we enter this new season Jenny's product line will change too.  While we never know for certain what yummy items Jenny will be bringing to market, when you shop at her booth this week you will likely find some new items, such as Honey Crunch Cookies, and Applesauce Muffins, along with some items from her regular lineup of pies, cobblers, etc.  The honey she uses in her baked goods comes from her brother's hives and the apples are from Dennis the Apple Man at Northside Farmers' Market.  The name of Jenny's bakery business comes from her mother (Angela) and the inspiration for her baked goods comes from recipes from her mother's very old cookbook.  Jenny also offers vegan options upon request, and she is currently working on perfecting a vegan pumpkin pie.  

Special Guest Vendor:  This week, Sally Godchalk, President of the Southwest Chapter of OEFFA (Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association), will be at our market to share with customers some vital information regarding GMO and other food production topics.  Perhaps you have been seeing and hearing a lot about GMO and yet remain confused about what this is all about.  Sally will be speaking with market customers to help dispel the confusion about this issue that is of great importance to anyone who is concerned about the safety and quality of the food they eat.  Sally will also be sharing information about OEFFA's upcoming  showing of the film "The Future of Food."

For a full listing of seasonal produce, visit CORV's Website.

For a full listing of our vendors, their products, and services including:
  • Chair Massage, where you can relax after a hard day (Danny Reckman LMT will not be at market this week.  He will return next week.) 
  • Kids & Krafts, where the kids can have loads of fun so you can leisurely shop the market
  • Many food and non-food items
  • and a list of vendors who accept credit cards
check out our Vendors.

We welcome volunteers! If you're available to lend a hand at the Market any time between 2:00pm and 7:30pm on Fridays, or during the week for more behind the scenes activities, check out the link below to contact us!

Anyone looking to vend at our Market can also contact us with the link below.

Vendors/Volunteers Click Here!

Please share this newsletter with friends and family to help spread the word about LEWFM!
 Our Very Valued  Vendors are at market each Friday from 3:00 until 7:00 rain or shine and they hope you will be there too.

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