Newsletter for Friday October 12, 2012

This week, the spotlight shines on Peg, our Very Valued Volunteer.  We know it's the first Friday of the month when we see Peg's smiling face.  Peg has been a faithful volunteer for a very long time now, and we want her to know how much we value her help.  She arrives at market at about 2:00 ready to do anything that needs to be done, usually starting with putting the signs up along the road in front of the market, letting everyone know that it's market day.  She is a great help to the vendors also, helping them out where needed.  When market begins, you will also see Peg's smiling face in the Market Management booth, answering customers' questions and offering a friendly hello, welcoming customers to the market.  Thanks, Peg, for all your help!

We would love to add your smiling face to our lineup of Very Valued Volunteers.  As the saying goes, "Many hands make light work."  We really can use some extra hands to help on market days.  If you can spare a couple hours, our greatest need now is someone to do on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Friday of the month what Peg does the 1st Friday of each month.  If you are not available that early in the day but would have time later, we can also use help at the end of market when the signs need to be taken down and other general market closing activities need to be done.  

In addition to these every market day activities, we can also use extra help on Friday October 26, the first day of our Summer Into Winter Market Transition Special Event.  That day, it will be helpful to have extra folks available to staff the Market Management booth, thus allowing the Market Managers to be out and about through the market attending to whatever needs to be done.  

Being a Very Valued Volunteer at LEWFM is FUN.  We meet some of the greatest people who come to the market to purchase fresh foods and to support local artisans, while also using the market as a way to connect with like-minded people.  Many a friendship has begun and developed simply by hanging out at the farmers' market.  We hope you will consider joining in the fun and help us continue to have a vibrant market right here on the Westside.  If you would like further information you can contact us here  Volunteers Click Here!       

  • Mohr Animal Acres and Grilling By Logan will be at market October 19, October 26, November 2, and every other week thereafter. 
  • Evergreen Holistic Learning Center will not be at market this Friday.  For the remainder of 2012, they will be at market on the following days:  October 19, October 26, November 2, 16, 30, and December 14.

To keep up with all the items Julia and Tammy of Tree Huggers add to their already great lineup, you will need to stop by their booth each week.  Two of their most recently added items includes essential oils and soy candles.  They now carry lavender, tea tree, and eucalyptus essential oils, which have many aromatherapy uses.  Just in time for the longer periods of darkness as winter approaches, the Tree Huggers now offer their soy candles, which they scent with essential oils and color with organic roots and herbs.  Julia and Tammy continue to search for even more ways to help us Live a More Sustainable Life via the use of sustainably made personal and household care products and the numerous other items they make and bring to market each week. 

Even though the weather is quite chilly, our Produce Vendors continue to have crops to harvest.  They are bringing the last of the summer veggies, along with the produce that loves the cool temps.  

For a full listing of our vendors, their services, and products, including:
  • Chair Massage, where you can relax after a hard day
  • Kids & Krafts, where the kids can have loads of fun so you can leisurely shop the market
  • Many food and non-food items
  • and a list of vendors who accept credit cards
 check out our Vendors.

  • Spooktacular, a fun time for families, will take place at Harvest Home Park on Friday & Saturday October 19th & 20th from 7:00-10:00 p.m. each night.  In addition to the haunted barn, there will be miniature train rides, hayride through Cheviot, games for the kids, and refreshments.  And, some of our market vendors will be staying a bit later that Friday in order to introduce LEWFM to folks who attend Spooktacular and who might not yet know about the market.
  • Free Movie Screening of "The Future of Food"  This film examines the dangers of unlabeled, untested, and potentially unsafe genetically engineered foods and how they have quietly filled the shelves of America's grocery stores.  Following the film, there will be a short question and answer session.  This free event, sponsored by Food & Water Watch and Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, is being held at the Esquire Theater, 320 Ludlow Ave. Clifton (Cin.) 45220, on Thursday, October 18, 2012.  Doors open at 7:00 P.M., movie begins at 7:30.  (You may also pick up a flier about this event at our Market Management booth). 
  • CHANGE FROM LAST WEEK'S NOTICE:  The location and date of Community Celebration, sponsored by Mt. Adams Farmers' Market, has been changed.  The event will be held at the Mt. Adams Pilgrim Chapel 1222 Ida St. 45202 on Sunday October 21 from 6-9 P.M.  The event will feature a global menu with locally sourced food, speakers of interest, along with global jazz by TRIAGE.  Tickets are only $15 in advance, $20 at event.  For more information call (513) 544-9700.

We're always looking for volunteers! If you're available to lend a hand at the Market any time between 2:00pm and 7:30pm on Fridays, or during the week for more behind the scenes activities, check out the link below to contact us!

We currently have openings for additional produce vendors to provide fall into early winter (and beyond) produce.  All produce must be grown using no synthetic chemicals. Anyone looking to vend at our market can contact us with the link below.

Vendors/Volunteers Click Here!

Have you ever considered growing some of your own food?  Do you wonder when is the best time to start a garden in your yard?  Actually, right now is the best time to start gardening, because planning is one of the first steps to take when starting a new project.  Do you have little or no knowledge about how to begin?  Well, take heart because help is on the way.  The wonderful folks at the Greater Cincinnati Civic Garden Center (GCCGC) are just waiting for you to contact them so they can help you get started.  

With their classes beginning in November this really is the best time to start on your adventure of growing some of your own food, right in your back (or front) yard.  Maybe a neighbor would like to join you in your efforts to provide healthy food for your family.  Sometimes it just takes one person to reach out and make the suggestion.  What a great neighborhood project, and the kids can join in the fun too.  And, if you are extra successful with your gardening efforts and have an over abundance of (synthetic chemical free) produce, let us know and you might be able to actually sell some of your produce at our market.  Wouldn't that be extra special?!  

To learn more about the services provided by the GCCGC,  click here   

Please share this newsletter with friends and family to help spread the word about LEWFM!
Our Very Valued Vendors will be at market each Friday from 3:00 to 7:00 rain or shine and they hope you will be there too.

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